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CoopIS 2025 will be held in conjunction with ICINCO 2025, WEBIST 2025, icSPORTS 2025, CHIRA 2025, IJCCI 2025 and IC3K 2025.
Registration to CoopIS allows free access to the ICINCO, WEBIST, icSPORTS, CHIRA, IJCCI and IC3K conferences (as a non-speaker).

Cooperative Information Systems (CIS) facilitate the cooperation between individuals, organisations, smart devices, and systems of systems, by providing flexible, scalable and intelligent services to enterprises, public institutions and user communities. As a result, people and smart devices can interact, share information and work together across physical barriers. The domain of CIS integrates research results from different related computing areas, such as: distributed systems, coordination technologies, collaborative decision making, enterprise architecture, business process management and conceptual modelling. In recent years, several innovative technologies have emerged: Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Computing, the Internet of Things, Linked Open Data, Semantic Systems, Collective Awareness Platforms, Block Chain, Processes as a Service, etc, that enable the next generation of CISs.
The CoopIS conference series began in 1993 as the International Conference on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems and was renamed the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems in 1994.
Check the webpage below to see the complete list of CoopIS editions:

General Co-chairs

Mohamed SellamiInstitut Polytechnique de Paris - Télécom SudParis, SAMOVAR, France
Ali Ouni École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS Montreal), Canada


Cinzia CappielloPolitecnico di Milano, Italy
Olaf HartigLinkoeping University, Sweden


Prof. Hervé Panetto (chair), University of Lorraine, CRAN, CNRS, France
Prof. Boualem Benatallah (chair), Dublin City University, Ireland
Prof. Walid Gaaloul, Telecom SudParis, France
Prof. Maria-Esther Vidal, Institute of Data Science & L3S Research Center, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Prof. Hajo Reijers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Prof. Michael Sheng, Macquarie University, Australia
Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The proceedings will be published by
Springer in a LNCS Series book

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
