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Demo Track of CoopIS 2024 - CoopIS-DT 2024

19 - 21 November, 2024 - Porto, Portugal

Within the 30th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems - CoopIS 2024


Marwa Elleuch
Orange Labs

Brief Bio
Not Available
Marwan Hassani
Eindhoven University of Technology

Brief Bio
Marwan Hassani is assistant professor at the Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He is leading a small research group on online process mining within the Process Analytic cluster. Marwan focuses on online knowledge extraction from streaming event data by developing and applying online unsupervised learning, continual learning and online prediction methods. His main use cases are applications where scalable & sustainable solutions are needed in an online manner with limited domain knowledge. He has published over 75 scientific papers on ML & PM and served in PCs and as a guest editor in major conferences and journals including ECML/PKDD, SDM, CIKM, KAIS, DAMI, JMLR, DKE & ICPM.


The CoopIS 2024 Demo Track aims to showcase innovative tools, services, and applications that align with the theme of "AI Augmented Information Systems".
This conference’s guiding theme explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and information systems. It emphasizes the integration of advanced technologies in information systems, focusing on knowledge representation, machine learning and process analytics and optimization. It highlights the importance of human-centric design, security, and interoperability, while exploring the transformative role of AI and IoT in enhancing system functionality and user experience.

Submissions are encouraged to integrate new trends in technology and research. This could include (but not limited to):
- AI for personalized user experiences
- Synthetic data generation for enhancing privacy
- Sustainability analysis applications for processes, supply chains, etc.

Authors are invited to submit demo papers that showcase the practical application of research papers submitted to the conference, as well as innovative tools and applications originating from research initiatives or industry. Previously demonstrated tools are also welcome if they offer significant enhancements, such as new features, adaptations, or new practical applications.

To assess the maturity and robustness of the tool, reviewers need access to the tool for testing. If a license is needed, it should be provided to reviewers, at least for the review period. The procedure to obtain the license must not disclose the identity of the reviewers.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Semantic Data Integration
  • Neuro-Symbolic Systems over Knowledge Graphs
  • Performance Measurment
  • Vocabularies for the Semantic Web
  • Access Control
  • Information Architecture
  • Economics of Cooperative Information Systems
  • Web Services, APIs
  • Connectivity, Interfaces, and Protocols
  • Applications of Knowledge Graphs (e.g., healthcare, industry 4.0, science, energy)
  • AI augmented Information Systems (e.g., healthcare, industry 4.0, science, energy)
  • Data Structures for IoT and Digital Twins
  • Services Science, Engineering, Management
  • Visualization
  • Enterprise Architecture Management
  • Data Proteciton and Privacy
  • Formalisms and Syntaxes
  • Trace Encoding
  • Rule and Data Mining
  • Ontology Learning and Engineering
  • Ontology and Schema Matching
  • Knowledge Graph Embeddings
  • Process Discovery
  • Querying Graph Data and Query Languages
  • Blockchain-based Approaches
  • Software Design
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Microservice-oriented architecture (MOA), Service Mesh
  • Storage and Data Management
  • Ontologies in the Digital World
  • Digital Transformation
  • Computing and Processing in IoT Environments
  • Cloud service management, Cloud workflow management
  • Incentives and User Contributions
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Inference and Reasoning
  • Conformance Analysis
  • Entity Recognition and Linking
  • Knowledge Graph Creation Techniques
  • Evolution and Maintenance of Knowledge Graphs
  • Semantic Annotation
  • Process Improvement
  • Open Data Architectures and Ecosystems
  • Information Entropy
  • Monitoring Tools And Techniques
  • Reputation Management
  • Cloud and fog computing, Edge service orchestration
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Certified Distributed Access and Management
  • IT for work innovation
  • Quality Assessment over Knowledge Graphs
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Privacy over Knowledge Graphs


Paper Submission: October 4, 2024
Authors Notification: October 15, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: October 22, 2024

Demo Track Program Committee

Available soon.


Please submit a 5-page (1 column format) extended abstract in PDF format, following the CEUR-ART formatting guidelines. The extended abstract must contain the following information:
● Title, authors, and affiliations;
● An abstract not exceeding 100 words;
● The relevance of the tool to the field;
● The main features and innovations of the tool, along with its maturity level;
● A link to a webpage where the tool can be downloaded or used;
● A video demonstrating the tool through screen recording, preferably with voiceover, not exceeding 4 minutes in length.
All demo submissions will be reviewed by a dedicated reviewing committee. The best demo to be granted the “CoopIS 2024 Best Demo Award”.


Accepted papers will be submitted for publication to CEUR (indexed by DBLP and SCOPUS).


CoopIS Demo Track - CoopIS-DT 2024