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Program Committee


Marco Comuzzi
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Korea, Republic of

Brief Bio
Marco Comuzzi is currently Associate Professor and Director of the Blockchain Research Center at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), in Ulsan (South Korea). He has held academic full-time positions at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, and City, University of London, United Kingdom. His research is in the broad area of information systems design and data science, with a specific focus on process mining and blockchain technology. He has published more than 80 papers in international peer-reviewed outlets and recently wrote a textbook on bloc ... More >>

Daniela Grigori
Paris Dauphine- PSL University

Brief Bio
Daniela Grigori is a full Professor of computer science at University Paris Dauphine-PSL since September 2011 and she has been the head of LAMSADE CNRS laboratory the last six years. Her current research interests include process management, data and process analytics, data integration and graph analytics. She has a number of papers in major international conferences and journals and has served as organizer and program committee member in many conferences. She is the co-author of a book on process analytics.Daniela Grigori is a full Professor of computer science at University Paris Dauphine-PSL since September 2011 and she has been the head of LAMSADE CNRS laboratory the last six years. Her current research interests include process management, data and process analytics, data integration and graph analytics. She has a number of papers in major international conferences and journals and has served as organizer and program committee member in many conferences. She is the co-author of a book on process analytics.


Han van der Aa, University of Vienna, Austria
Marco Aiello, Service Computing Dep. of IAAS, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Ahmed Awad, The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Banu Aysolmaz, Information Systems, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Isabel Azevedo, ISEP, Portugal
Eduard Babkin, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Russian Federation
Ingmar Baumgart, FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Germany
Khalid Belhajjame, Computer Science, PSL, Paris-Dauphine University, LAMSADE, France
Salima Benbernou, Université Paris Descartes, France
Mario Luca Bernardi, University of Sannio, Italy
Javier Berrocal, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Hayet Brabra, RS2M Departement, Télécomd SudParis, Palaiseau, France, France
Cristina Cabanillas, University of Seville, Spain
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Departament Of Electrical Engineering, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Paolo Ceravolo, Computer Science Department, University of Milan, Italy
Richard Chbeir, Laboratoire LIUPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France
Carlo Combi, Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy
Pavlos Delias, School of Management Science and Accounting, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Joyce El Haddad, Lamsade, Paris-dauphine University, France
Rik Eshuis, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Marcelo Fantinato, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Chiara Di Francescomarino, DISI - University of Trento, Italy
Walid Gaaloul, Telecom SudParis, Telecom SudParis, France
Luciano García-Bañuelos, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Laura Genga, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Nikolaos Georgantas, Inria, France
Chirine Ghédira Guégan, IAE, IAE - Lyon University, France
María T. Gómez López, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Jose Gonzalez, University of Seville, Spain
Laura González, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Mohamed Graiet, University of Monastir, Tunisia
Georg Grossmann, University of South Australia, Australia
Önder Gürcan, CMSS, NORCE, Norway
Mohand-Said Hacid, Informatique, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Mirian Halfeld-Ferrari, Univ. Orleans, LIFO, UR4022, France
Lazhar Hamel, ISIM Monastir, Tunisia
Anett Hoppe, TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology; L3S Research Centre, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Patrick Hung, Faculty of Business and IT, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Stefan Jablonski, Applied Informatics IV, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Andres Jimenez Ramirez, Calle Alameda de Buenos Aires, nº 37, University of Seville, Spain
Slim Kallel, Independent Researcher, Tunisia
Dimka Karastoyanova, Computer Science Department, Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Dimitrios Katsaros, 37 Gklavani str, Deligiorgi bulding (4th floor), University of Thessaly, Greece
Kais Klai, Universit Paris 13, France
Matthias Klusch, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Germany
Maria Leitner, University of Regensburg, Germany
Francesco Leotta, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica (DIS) "A. Ruberti", Univerità "Sapienza" Roma, Italy
Mario Lezoche, CRAN - Université de Lorraine, France
Teng Long, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China
Jiangang Ma, Federation University Australia, Australia
Zakaria Maamar, University of Doha for Science and Technology, Qatar
Samira Maghool, University of Milan, Italy
Amel Mammar, Télécom SudParis, SAMOVAR-CNRS, Evry, France
Qizhong Mao, ByteDance, United States
Rabia Maqsood, NUCES, Pakistan
Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, Estonia
Lin Meng, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, , Ritsumeikan University,, Japan
Philippe Merle, Inria, France
Giovanni Meroni, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Nizar Messai, LIFAT, University of Tours, France
Enrique Moguel, University of Extremadura, Spain
Alex Norta, Department of Informatics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Selmin Nurcan, Institut D'administration Des Entreprises De Paris - Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Hervé Panetto, CRAN, University of Lorraine, France
Barbara Re, Computer Science, University of Camerino, Italy
Manfred Reichert, Institute of Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Germany
Kate Revoredo, Institüt für Informatik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Austria
Sonja Ristic, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Mattia Salnitri, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Michael Sheng, Independent Researcher, Australia
Johannes De Smedt, KU Leuven, Belgium
Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, Italy
Francesco Tiezzi, DISIA, Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
Farouk Toumani, ISIMA, Clermont Auvergne INP, Limos, Clermont Auvergne University, France
Nick van Beest, CSIRO, Australia
Genoveva Vargas-Solar, LIRIS, CNRS, France
Lena Wiese, Independent Researcher, Germany
Karolin Winter, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Xiao Xue, Tianjin Universit, China
Sami Yangui, INSA, Univ. Toulouse, France
Jian Yu, Department of Computer Science, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Sebastiaan van Zelst, Celonis Labs GmbH., Germany
Zhangbing Zhou, CUG Beijing, China

(list not yet complete)
